Life in a Cubicle (ebook)

life in a cubicle

Author: Utkarsh Rai

Published On: November 24, 2010

Published By: Self

ISBN: 8184652755-BEPDF

Language: English

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Abhay Joshi, a young go-getter, has just emerged from college, and has landed a good job. Luckily, his close friends get offers from the same company. Abhay is ecstatic about stepping into this new world. Blessed with talent and intelligence, the world seems to be at Abhay’s feet… and then, he realises that life in a cubicle is not as easy as it seems.

“What happens to his friends over the years? Does he survive the office politics? Can he achieve his dream of becoming a manager? How does he deal with different bosses? How does he manage his heartbreak? Does he find his love or is it a compromise?”

While Abhay’s trials and tribulations are under focus throughout the book, there are several other interesting characters through whom myriad perspectives of life are offered. Life in Cubicle, provides a glimpse into life as it is being lived out today.What is the meaning of success, and how does one deal with life in this new globalised world? How can one recognise true friends, and how does one choose a suitable partner for life? These are just some of the many intense questions that Life in a Cubicle grapples with.